On this page, my entire academic trajectory, as well as every company or project in which I have worked, is detailed. You can find more details about it in my LinkedIn profile.
(2023-Present) – Backend development and machine learning lead, DialAppletExperience
(2022-2023) – Backend development lead, DialApplet
(2022) – Backend software developer, DialApplet
(2020-2022) – Software developer and system administrator, DialApplet
- Backend: SpringBoot (Java), NestJS (TypeScript), FastAPI (Python)
- Frontend: Angular, ReactJS
- Other: Apache Kafka, Redis, MongoDB, Docker, Gitlab…
(2022-2023) – Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Imaging (mark: 9.5)
Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain )
(2018-2022) – Computer Science & Engineering degree – (mark: 9.6)
• Achieved 25 High Honor grades
• Enrolled in the High Academic Performance (ARA) group
• Specialized in the Computing knowledge branch
Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain )
České vysoké učení technické v Praze (Prague, Czech Republic ) – 5 months stay
(2016-2018) – High School (Bachillerato) of Science and Technology – (mark: 9.8)
Colegio Salesiano San Juan Bosco (Valencia, Spain )
• IBM – SQL for Data Science (+info | certificate)
Introduction to database manipulation using SQL and Python.
• MITx – Becoming an Entrepreneur (+info | certificate)
Course about the business skills and startup mindset needed for entrepreneurship.
(2020-2022) – Co-founder, Competitive Programming UPV
• Organizing meet-ups
• Solving competition problems
• Collaborating in general management tasks
(2018-2020) – Collaborator, ICTvsCC research group (UPV)
• Managing virtual servers with a Hypervisor
• Website backend and frontend development
• Data analysis and visualization
- Spanish (Native knowledge)
- English (C1 level, certified by Cambridge Assessment)
- French (A1 level, Basic knowledge)
- Catalan/Valencian (Native + B2 level, certified by JQCV)
3rd year Bachelor's degree student with the Best Academic RecordHonors & Awards
2nd year Bachelor's degree student with the Best Academic Record
Extraordinary High School Academic Achievement Award
Extraordinary Secondary Education Academic Achievement Award