
On this page, my entire academic trajectory, as well as every company or project in which I have worked, is detailed. You can find more details about it in my LinkedIn profile.


(2023-Present) – Backend development and machine learning lead, DialApplet
• Leading the backend development and ML area
• Investigating real world use cases where artificial intelligence can be applied
• Keeping most of my responsibilities in the backend development area

(2022-2023) – Backend development lead, DialApplet
• Using agile methodologies to organize work
• Exploring new technologies than can improve the software
• Developing critical components of the application

(2022) – Backend software developer, DialApplet
• Building a call-center software with state-of-the-art technologies
• Integration will phone calls, social media channels and external softwares
• Ensuring high availability, scalability and cloud support

(2020-2022) – Software developer and system administrator, DialApplet
• Social media integration in a call center software
• High availability clusters deployment
• Development of a new version of the application using the latest technologies


  • Backend: SpringBoot (Java), NestJS (TypeScript), FastAPI (Python)
  • Frontend: Angular, ReactJS
  • Other: Apache Kafka, Redis, MongoDB, Docker, Gitlab…


(2022-2023) – Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Imaging (mark: 9.5)
Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain 🇪🇸)

(2018-2022) – Computer Science & Engineering degree – (mark: 9.6)
• Achieved 25 High Honor grades
• Enrolled in the High Academic Performance (ARA) group
• Specialized in the Computing knowledge branch
Universitat Politècnica de València (Valencia, Spain 🇪🇸)
České vysoké učení technické v Praze (Prague, Czech Republic 🇨🇿) – 5 months stay

(2016-2018) – High School (Bachillerato) of Science and Technology – (mark: 9.8)
Colegio Salesiano San Juan Bosco (Valencia, Spain 🇪🇸)


IBM – SQL for Data Science (+info | certificate)
Introduction to database manipulation using SQL and Python.

MITx – Becoming an Entrepreneur (+info | certificate)
Course about the business skills and startup mindset needed for entrepreneurship.


(2020-2022) – Co-founder, Competitive Programming UPV
• Organizing meet-ups
• Solving competition problems
• Collaborating in general management tasks

(2018-2020) – Collaborator, ICTvsCC research group (UPV)
• Managing virtual servers with a Hypervisor
• Website backend and frontend development
• Data analysis and visualization


  • Spanish (Native knowledge)
  • English (C1 level, certified by Cambridge Assessment)
  • French (A1 level, Basic knowledge)
  • Catalan/Valencian (Native + B2 level, certified by JQCV)

Honors & Awards

3rd year Bachelor's degree student with the Best Academic Record
Honor granted for achieving one of the highest marks in the third academic year of my Bachelor’s degree.
(granted by Universitat Politècnica de València)

2nd year Bachelor's degree student with the Best Academic Record
Honor granted for achieving one of the highest marks in the second academic year of my Bachelor’s degree.
(granted by Universitat Politècnica de València)

Extraordinary High School Academic Achievement Award
Honor granted for achieving one of the highest marks in High School on my autonomous community.
(granted by Generalitat Valenciana) – Official resolution

Extraordinary Secondary Education Academic Achievement Award
Honor granted for achieving one of the highest marks in Secondary Education on my autonomous community.
(granted by Generalitat Valenciana) – Official resolution